Here's a pic of me & my kids taken at their school, for the school magazine:

Things to note:
1) Look at their smiles! This is their typical 'camera-smile'-fake and unnatural. I suppose it's a by-product of a scrapping mummy eh?
2) C's long socks. She loves long socks! So, I got here these from Cerisi and she wears them everyday now! (Not the usual ankle socks that school kids wear!)
3) R's contortionist legs. Their position looks weird right? He's like a little worm! Even his teachers always comment on how he sits in weird, contorted positions. Perhaps he should be a gymnast!
By the way, dd managed to get into
St Nick's for P1 next year! Orientation is on 17th Nov. It's going to be a new chapter in our lives!
We're off to HK on Thursday! It's also C's real birthday, and Singapore's birthday! Happy Birthday to C & Singapore!