Saturday, May 5, 2007


I've been tagged by Sasha!

Here are 7 quirks or interesting things about me:

1. I can't sleep without something covering my legs.
2. I am paranoid about my hair.
3. I only eat KFC's coleslaw with whipped potato, never alone.
4. I love scaring myself silly with scary books or movies. All time favourite: The Ring. (Japanese version)
5. My maths sucks. Really. (Now you know why I take so long to total up bills for TVC)
6. I can't draw a straight line, even with a ruler. It's always tilted up or down for some reason!
7. I think (or am quite sure) I'm addicted to the internet.

1 comment:

Sasha Farina said...

hehehhe... thanks for the giggle :D :P